Accountability Mondays: Fall Edition

Happy Labor Day to those in the US. This is one of my favorite holidays because I can thrift store shop for 50% off. On a weekday. Don't judge. But you're not here to listen to me fangirl about thrift stores. You're here for other things.

Fact: I was a very prolific blogger. Further fact: Unemployment and subsequent employment threw all of that out of the window. Because of this summer's Ready. Set. WRITE! I managed to blog more than I have in years. And because of this, I'm going to continue with the blogging.

Starting today! My new blog schedule will be Mondays and Wednesdays*. Mondays will be similar to what I've done over the summer by sharing goals and achievements. The other day will be a wild card.

For Accountability Mondays, I'll use the following headers:

  • How I Did Last Week
  • My Goal(s) for This Week
  • Biggest Challenge I Faced This Week
  • Something I Love About My WIP
  • Random Factoid of the Week

Since I consider it fall as soon as September graces the calendar, I have new goals for the season. There much smaller than the summer's goal. If I learned one thing from RSW, too many goals can force burnout.

This fall, my goals are:

  • Complete a new round of revisions for SCENES FROM LAST NIGHT now that I got beta feedback. 
  • Complete research on The SNI and complete a first draft.
  • Maintain exercise routine.
  • Stretch goal--> Begin revisions on the boy band book. Oh, and find a title for it.

And my goals for this week are:

  • Read through SFLN and make tons of notes for improvement.
  • Spend 5-10 hours revising.
  • Ease into new exercise routine with Hubby by some hardcore walking.

Feel like you need to do something like this? Join in. The more, the merrier!

*This may change into Fridays. I'm still on the fence about the second day.